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  • Writer's pictureIfa

The Stirrings of Creation

Updated: Apr 19

Before time wove its first thread, before space expanded beyond a singular point, there was Eledumare. He was not born, for birth implies a beginning, and he was before the beginning. He simply was—eternal, boundless, the essence of all potential. In the vast expanse of nothingness, Eledumare came to be, the first consciousness in the void, the Primordial Creator.


As Eledumare contemplated the stillness, a sound emerged—a humming, deep and resonant, vibrating through the emptiness. It was a sound that should not have been, for there was nothing to make it, yet it filled Eledumare's senses, an omnipresent drone that he could not escape. To quell the disturbance, Eledumare drew the sound into himself, hoping to silence it within the infinite well of his being.


But the sound only grew, louder and more insistent, a cacophony that echoed in the chambers of his mind. It was then that Eledumare realized the source of the tumult—the Iyami Aje, the Mothers of Power, trapped within him. These primordial entities, ancient and formidable, were the embodiment of the universe's latent forces. They were the weavers of fate, the mistresses of destiny, holding the threads of all that was to come.


The Iyami Aje, with their wings of cosmic energy, beat against the confines of Eledumare's form. They were the harbingers of creation, urging the Primordial to fulfill his purpose. Their flapping wings were not just a plea for freedom but a demand for action—for without their release, the universe would remain unformed, an eternal canvas devoid of stars and life.


As Eledumare sought respite from the relentless sound, the Iyami Aje's wings fluttered with increasing fervor. They were the Mothers of Power, and their will would not be denied. In a moment of divine reflex, Eledumare expelled the energy he had consumed, a forceful cough that shattered the silence of the void.

From this expulsion, a new essence was born—the essence of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. This essence took form as Orunmila, the deity of divination, the next spark of creation. Orunmila, born of Eledumere's desire for order amidst chaos, was the beginning of all things. With the energy of light, Obatala was also present, and was the light that would pierce the darkness, the architect who would assist in the creation of the stars, including our planet, Earth.


The universe began to unfold, a tapestry woven from the essence of the Iyami Aje, guided by the wisdom of Orunmila, sparked by the light of Obatala, and the energy force of Esu (a messenger between the spirit and physical worlds), the Stars ignited across the void, planets formed from the dust of creation, and life's first whispers echoed through the cosmos. It was the dawn of existence, the birth of time and space, all set into motion by the Mothers of Power, the will of Eledumere, the knowledge of Orunmila, the ignition of Obatala, and the messenger Esu.


Thus begins the tale of "The Primordials," a story of origins and powers beyond comprehension, a narrative of the forces that shaped the universe and everything within it. It is a story that continues to unfold, even now, as we gaze upon the stars and ponder our place in the grand design.

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